Friday, October 10, 2008


Eh..??!!! After rereading my previous post, I noticed that I have mentioned that I have a husband (my "yayang"! ehehee..), and yet, I've only come to realize that I'm all grown up..? (ok, ok.. dah tua dah.. happy? :p) .. Apa, masa nak kawen and dah kawen tu tak rasa macam dah besor ke??
Hmm.. let me reflect ya.. I feel.. My responsibilities have increased and expanded, no doubt.. But maybe, I guess, it's 'cause people around me keep telling me to "grow up" some more makes me think that maybe I'm just not matured enough? Well.. life is a neverending journey of knowledge, I say.. So I pretty much have a lifetime to 'mature'.. Whatever...

So.. 'twas my birthday yesterday.. Mak was admitted into the hospital 'cause the doctors wanted to monitor her condition since she's down with a slight fever.. Therefore, no celebration for me.. Not that I was expecting any.. But, it would've been nice to be surprised with something.. anything at all.. No big deal-lah.. Yayang was extremely busy with work yesterday, I know and uderstand.. Plus, with Mak some more.. I'm totally cool! Just reflecting..

Before this, I was almost always so kecoh-kecoh about my birthday.. or to be more exact, I would somehow make others go kecoh-kecoh for me! I mean, takkanla nak hebahkan kat org birthday kite sendirik kan..? So.. just let a few friends know.. then they'll do all the work for you! hehehe..!! When I was younger even, my family would organize a birthday party for me.. be it big or small.. there would always be a celebration.. There'd always be presents.. I think that's the best part, not because of the receiving, but because it's a sign that the sender has been thinking about you.. (although they may have been 'forced' to think about you!)

This morning when I was heading out to work, barula perasan, ada kad bday yayang kasik taruk kat dlm keta.. hoh! Surprised gak! He wrote and said that even though it may be a bit late, we should still celebrate my birthday.. so we might be going out 'lancing' (as I like to call it) tonight! Hmm.. I think I should go and get my legs and underarms waxed..

Hope mak is recovering well..
