Wednesday, October 29, 2008



the M-monster is way too overpowering!


see, the thing with me is.. i've gotta WAIT to do something..

in other words.. PROCRASTINATE.. tsk! tsk! not good.. not good at all!!

coz when you wait.. time passes you by.. and you miss the opportunity to do what it was you intended to do in the beginning.. you follow?

well, that's just me being me again.. my reason for PROCRASTINATING is that i'd like to think that when 'the moment' arrives.. i should be able to do it PERFECTLY..!

yes.. a perfectionist, i am.. well, yeah.. nobody's PERFECT.. but i like to think that i do things to the utmost best of my own ability.. in other words.. as PERFECTLY as i can..! and gawd.. it's hard!! i can be my own worst critic, i tell ya..

when i was in school.. i used to tear out the pages when i thought my handwriting was messy or when i thought that it just wasn't neat enough!! my exercise books used to get soo uberly thin! other than that, i used to redo my work over and over again just to satisfy myself.. in uni, my friends would breeze through doing assignments.. but not me.. i had to go through sleepless nights and dictionaries AND thesauruses and everything else just to please myself.. not that i got excellent grades everytime.. IT WAS ALL JUST TO FULFILL MY NEED OF BEING.. PERFECT?

but.. nobody IS perfect.. so why do we try, huh?

of course.. it's coz we like to get praises for a job well done.. and when i say 'well done', i mean 'done well' or BREAKING MY BACK AND ALMOST LOSING MY MIND TO GET IT PURRFECTT!!

gawd.. i know, something is obviously wrong with me..