Thursday, October 9, 2008


Finally!! My very own blog!!!
After reading several people's blogs, which had sparked an interest in me to write up my own blog - for about 10 months now! - at last, my desire is now satisfied..
But..!! Knowing me.. I can only hope that this blog of mine will last in an effort to 'enhance' my writing skills - if there is any to begin with! Ehehee..

'nuf wit the intro..

Well... tis my bday today! I am officially 28 years of age on this very day.. sigh..
I never minded growing older before.. This was because people would tend to tell me that I looked young for my age.. hehe .. I used to like getting surprised reactions when I'd tell people my actual age.. *blush*

but now.. The surprised reactions are getting lesser and the number (of years of living in this world) is growing bigger!! Aiyak!! Yes.. finally, I have come to the realization that I am a grown woman, and should think and behave as a grown woman should..

Gosh.. after 28 years, baru nak fikir mcm tuh??!!! Most people would think that way when they are at least 20 years old probably.. Well, what can I say? I'm 'young at heart'!

One of the things that's made me realize how 'grown up' i've become.. is the lessened anticipation and expectation for what i used to regard as 'my big day' kononnye.. In fact, I actually almost forgot all about it! However not.. with the passing of the Holy month of Ramadhan, Hari Raya, my new baby niece, my masters programme application, work, and.. mak's condition..

Yes, my mak.. is actually my mother-in-law, or my husband's (i'll be referring to him as 'yayang' from here onwards.. hey! it's my blog! 'like my heart-lah'!!) most beloved mother. Mak has been suffering from cancer for about two years now..? She's 59, but looks and moves around like 90 maybe.. due to her treatments for the disease.. Just you imagine, if the same kind of treatments could deteriorate the well-being of a youthful person, then how could an elderly person cope with it?

My only hope is that Allah kasihankan mak, tenangkan dan bahagiakan mak.. serta dipeliharanya di dalam rahmatNya sentiasa.. amin!

Guess that'll be all that i pen down for now..
But, InsyaALLAH, there'll be more to come..!